Intelligent Enterprise Operationalization Consulting

Your collective intelligence resources are your competitive advantage. Our applied management practices identify, value, and optimize these resources across your enterprise, customer, and partner networks. We help make the intangible tangible.

Intelligent Enterprises of Tomorrow

In the last 45 years, over 70% of business value has migrated to intelligence-driven knowledge work methods and intangible assets.

Growth of knowledge jobs vs. total jobs (since 1920)

6 to 1

Knowledge workers in the Fortune 500

10 million+

Cost of “under-standardization” in the Fortune 500

20% of earnings

The key to productivity and wealth generation in over 75% of all enterprise activity is managing intelligence.

The activities that these resources support require a new vector of leadership focus and responsibility. Organizations must understand the why, how and who behind successes.

Has your organization?

  1. Built an understanding of knowledge and intelligence-driven processes?

  2. Defined the Intelligence Stack™ that supports those processes?

  3. Advanced a clear understanding of the value associated with intelligence resources?

  4. Developed operating methods for managing and improving “return on intelligence?”

  5. Aligned and justified your intelligence-driven activities with technology development roadmaps?

Intelligence value streams are the new competition.

The winners in the knowledge-driven world will understand the sources and uses of intelligence across key nodes of business flows and use those strategies to justify and map to technology enablement.

Mobilizing assets is critical.

Intelligent organizations have a clear picture of their information, communication, and Intelligence Stacks™ as a basis. They are increasingly AI-driven through purposeful, measurable strategies. Most importantly, these organizations clearly understand the value associated with the transformation. Critical features of leading organizations include:

  • Understanding internal and external sources of contribution to knowledge-centric processes

  • Observing, capturing, and optimizing contribution points across value streams

  • Innovating methods focused on valuation and return

  • Investing aggressively in the transformation

We bridge the promise of intelligent technologies and operating reality.

We are a focused, boutique management consultancy that assists enterprises in achieving competitive advantage and realizing returns on their investment in intelligence as they strive to comprehend and adapt to the expanding realm of knowledge-based work.

We will help you uncover hidden value and boost return on enterprise intelligence by operationalizing critical knowledge-driven functions.